Kask Club

Join the Kask Club and Drink More Beer

The Kask Club is a delicious trip around the world – via beer! The best brews from countries all over the world are available at The Barley Oak and we’d love to have you join us to share the experience. It’s easy – we’ll award you points for every beer you drink, and when you hit 100 points, we’ll reward you with a coveted Kask Club stein. How cool is that?

Once you receive your Kask Club passport – the fun begins! Beers are arranged by country, so planning your trip is half the fun. Want to follow an orderly trip around the globe, sampling and comparing brews from neighboring regions? You got it! Want to hopscotch from place to place, trying all kinds of different beers? We can do that! Your experience is limited only by your imagination.

If we are out of a particular beer, we’ll recommend a similarly delicious substitution, and you can write it in your passport and receive credit.

Other privileges of membership include 30% off of your beer tab every Wednesday after you receive your stein… so it’s a gift that keeps on giving!


Guests must be 21 years of age or older to participate in the Kask Club program. Stamps will not be granted to testers or pitchers. Only one stamp will be granted for each beer.

Note: The Kask Club discount applies only to beer; it does not include food, liquor, or wine. Guest must have their stein in hand in order to receive their discount.